HAMMERSCHMIDT & LENTZ - aladins odyssee (religio010 / Religio Audio )

The odyssey of Aladin is a journey from party to party. It is a story of a trip beginning at a location in Berlin, you might call it ?bla25?, to a location on a southern Spanish island, which you might call ?dissy10?. That is two pennies worth for the world but important for Hammerschmidt & Lentz. A flight like on a magic carpet. Days full of excessive pleasures. Pure inspiration! The titles ?yeah?, ?dude? and ?iRock? are the musical results of a journey without return to the oases of electronic music.

Releasedate: 01.12.08

Quelle: http://www.myspace.com/religioaudio
Eintrag vom: 24.11.2008

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