DJ Pintaa - Heart BPM (Robeat5 Records 010)

Als zehntes Release des Münchner Labels Robeat5 Records kommt heute die
?Heart BPM? EP von DJ Pintaa in die Stores.
Der Berliner DJ Pintaa alias Alex Pinter legt mit Heart BPM einen
harten Electro-Stunner mit sehr klaren und upliftenden Sounds sowie
kurzen und eingängigen Vocals hin.
Die EP liefert außerdem eine Intrumental Version, sowie zwei
atemberaubende Remixe. Robaer and Beatnut5 formen nach ihrer typischen
Manier einen weicheren und harmonischeren Mix und reichern das Original
zudem mit zusätzlichen Basslines an.
Der Münchner Sstudio Wizard Tommigo liefert mit seinem Remix die
progressive Variante, die die Heart BPM EP zu einer weiteren kompletten
Veröffentlichung des Münchner Electrohouse-Vorzeigelabels macht.

Biography DJ Pintaa
DJ Pintaa? alias Alex Pinter ? was born in 1976 in Berlin. After Berlin
when he was 3 years old he goes with his family to Budapest Hungary for
6 years. When he was 9 he goes to germany to live there.Until his 9th
birthday it was rock and pop music that fascinated him. When he was 18
a good friend of him plays always house music at home and in clubs!
From this point, there was no way back. DJ Pintaa was so inspired by
house and techno music, and no other style of music was of interest for
him anymore. He visited all the good clubs around bavaria. What
fascinated him the most were always the DJs. This is why DJ Pintaa
spent most of the night standing next to the DJs watching and admiring
their work. However, he plays in small clubs between Germany and
Hungary in the years 1998-2002. After this time he spend a lot of time
in his familiy and his regular work. But his love to house music was so
big he began to producing his own songs at home. In the year 2008 he
win a Remix contest on Robeat5 Records Munich (Robaer & Beatnut5 -
Summer smiles remix). Following with another remix for Robaer &
Beatnut5 - Chemical lab the mixes. The different beats and melodies
became a big part of his life, and they go along with him day by day.
As a Dj he mix the single tracks together so they become one unique set
that transfers people into a kind of house music groove is his everyday

Eintrag vom: 02.05.2009

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